Fall 2012, Module Image, ETI4, CPE-Lyon

Emploi du temps
Date | Duree | Horaire | Type | Theme | Remarques |
21 Novembre | 4h | 13h30-17h45 | Cours | Snakes+Level Set | |
05 Decembre | 4h | 13h30-17h45 | TP | Snakes |
1. Snakes
- Slides de cours (version imprimable) - Preambule (version imprimable) |
Exercice d'entrainement
- Exercice |
- Sujet (date rendu: 19/12/2012) | |
- Images de tests |
2. Level Set
- Slides de cours (version imprimable) - Preambule (version imprimable) - Slides de cours (version imprimable) |
Article fondateur: [S. Osher, J. Sethian. Fronts Propagating with Curvature-Dependent Speed: Algorithms Based on Hamilton-Jacobi Formulations. Journal of Computational Physics, 79(1), p.12-49. 1988.] |
Application en segmentation d'image: [T. Chan, L. Vese. Active Contour and Segmentation Models Using Geometric PDE's for Medical Imaging. Geometric Methods in Bio-Medical Image Processing, p.66-75. 2002.] |
Un etat de l'art pouvant servir de bonne introduction: [J. Sethian. Theory, Algorithm, and Applications of Level Set Methods for Propagating Interfaces. Acta Numerica. 1995.] |
Cours SIGGRAPH sur les Level Set, beaucoup d'infos pour la 3D: [D. Breen, R. Fedkiw, K. Museth, S. Osher, G. Sapiro, R. Whitaker. Level set and PDE methods for computer graphics. ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes. 2004.] |
Librairie complete Matlab pour les Level-Set. [Ian Mitchell.A Toolbox of Level Set Methods.] |