Damien Rohmer Publications/Reports/Presentations
Animation Wrinkling: Augmenting Coarse Cloth Simulations with Realistic-Looking Wrinkles

Damien Rohmer, Tiberiu Popa, Marie-Paule Cani, Stefanie Hahmann, Alla Sheffer.Animation Wrinkling: Augmenting Coarse Cloth Simulations with Realistic-Looking Wrinkles,
ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG), 29(5). Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA.
December 2010. Seoul, South Korea.
Moving garments and other cloth objects exhibit dynamic, complex wrinkles. Generating such wrinkles in a virtual environment currently requires either a time-consuming manual design process, or a computationally expensive simulation, often combined with accurate parameter-tuning requiring specialized animator skills. Our work presents an alternative approach for wrinkle generation which combines coarse cloth animation with a post-processing step for efficient generation of realistic-looking fine dynamic wrinkles. Our method uses the stretch tensor of the coarse animation output as a guide for wrinkle placement. To ensure temporal coherence, the placement mechanism uses a space-time approach allowing not only for smooth wrinkle appearance and disappearance, but also for wrinkle motion, splitting, and merging over time. Our method generates believable wrinkle geometry using specialized curve-based implicit deformers. The method is fully automatic and has a single user control parameter that enables the user to mimic different fabrics.
Cloth, wrinkle modeling, procedural animation, implicit modeling, mesh deformation.
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Animation sequences
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