Damien Rohmer Publications/Reports/Presentations
Reconstruction and Visualization of Fiber and Laminar Structure in the Normal Human Heart from Ex Vivo DTMRI Data

Damien Rohmer, Arkadiusz Sitek and Grant T. GullbergReconstruction and Visualization of Fiber and Laminar Structure
in the Normal Human Heart from Ex Vivo DTMRI Data
Investigative Radiology, 42(11), 777-789, November 2007
The human heart is composed of a helical network of
muscle fibers organized to form sheets that are separated by cleavage
planes responsible for the orthotropic mechanical properties of
cardiac muscle. The purpose of this study is the reconstruction and
visualization of these structures in 3 dimensions.
Methods: Anisotropic least square filtering followed by fiber and
sheet tracking techniques were applied to diffusion tensor magnetic
resonance imaging data of the excised human heart. Fibers were
reconstructed using the first eigenvectors of the diffusion tensors.
The sheets were reconstructed using the second and third eigenvectors
and visualized as surfaces.
The fibers are shown to lie in sheets that have transmural
structure, which correspond to histologic studies published in the
literature. Quantitative measurements show that the sheets as appose
to the fibers are organized into laminar orientations without dominant
A visualization algorithm was developed to demonstrate
the complex 3-dimensional orientation of the fibers and sheets
in human myocardium.
Cardiac Imaging, Diffusion Tensor MRI, Fiber Tracking, Laminar Structure
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